Monday, April 1, 2013

T-Shirt Quilt - Labor of Love

While visiting my Uncle Richard last summer, he showed me several quilts made by his mother and grandmother. One quilt has hand appliqued Sunbonnet Sam motifs and is hand quilted. Richard said he remembers this quilt from his childhood. It is proudly hanging in his family room.Which led to my next project.  Richard has a wonderful sense of humor, and his t-shirt collection reflects his humor and love of life.  I offered to turn some of his shirts into a quilt.  So, he gathered up the shirts that held special memories and I brought them home.   Gina Zeleznok at Sturbridge Quilting and Sewing Center did wonderful machine quilting. Now, it's time to finish the binding. I hope to have it finished so I can deliver it to him next summer when I go back for a visit.

1 comment:

  1. It looks beautiful, and I'm sure your Uncle will love it.


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