Friday, March 8, 2013

Ancestry Day at NEHGS

Saturday, my friend Jane and I spent the day in Boston at the Ancestry Day presentation sponsored by the New England Historical Genealogical Society.
Crista Cowan, the Barefoot Genealogist, was a blast!  People may think genealogy is boring, but Crista proved how much fun it can be.  Thank you Crista for sharing your tips and tricks for overcoming obstacles.
David Alan Lambert, chief genealogist at NEHGS shared wonderful stories and new research suggestions. Thank you David for reminding us that the dash on a headstone between a birth date and death date represents a life time of stories and experiences.  He reminded us to "flesh out" our family history.  Sure, you may know your ancestor's dates and locations. But, do you know what your great-grandmother loved to cook?  Do you know if your great-great-grand father loved woodworking? Ever wonder where your love of gardening came from?
David encouraged us to start writing our family story. Technology changes so fast - remember saving files on 3.5" floppy disks???  We store so much digitally these days, and these storage devices can get lost or crash.  This year I would like to create a photo album to share with my family.

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